Thursday, January 27, 2011

CoConut Oil is the healthiest oil on earth!!

Recently on the Dr. OZ show the benefits of Coconut oil were touted, with much of the same info below as borrowed from the Coconut Research Center

While coconut possesses many health benefits due to its fiber and nutritional content, it's the oil that makes it a truly remarkable food and medicine.

Once mistakenly believed to be unhealthy because of its high saturated fat content, it is now known that the fat in coconut oil is a unique and different from most all other fats and possesses many health giving properties. It is now gaining long overdue recognition as a nutritious health food.

Coconut oil has been described as "the healthiest oil on earth." That's quite a remarkable statement. What makes coconut oil so good? What makes it different from all other oils, especially other saturated fats?

The difference is in the fat molecule. All fats and oils are composed of molecules called fatty acids. There are two methods of classifying fatty acids. The first you are probably familiar with, is based on saturation. You have saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. Another system of classification is based on molecular size or length of the carbon chain within each fatty acid. Fatty acids consist of long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. In this system you have short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). Coconut oil is composed predominately of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).

The vast majority of fats and oils in our diets, whether they are saturated or unsaturated or come from animals or plants, are composed of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). Some 98 to 100% of all the fatty acids you consume are LCFA.

The size of the fatty acid is extremely important. Why? Because our bodies respond to and metabolize each fatty acid differently depending on its size. So the physiological effects of MCFA in coconut oil are distinctly different from those of LCFA more commonly found in our foods. The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are predominately medium-chain fatty acids. Both the saturated and unsaturated fat found in meat, milk, eggs, and plants (including most all vegetable oils) are composed of LCFA.

MCFA are very different from LCFA. They do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and help to protect against heart disease. MCFA help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. It is primarily due to the MCFA in coconut oil that makes it so special and so beneficial.

There are only a very few good dietary sources of MCFA. By far the best sources are from coconut and palm kernel oils.

 Coconut In Modern Medicine

Modern medical science is now confirming the use of coconut in treating many of the above conditions. Published studies in medical journals show that coconut, in one form or another, may provide a wide range of health benefits. Some of these are summarized below:  
  • Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses.
  • Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases.
  • Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.
  • Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.
  • Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.
  • Boosts energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance.
  • Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
  • Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
  • Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.
  • Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.
  • Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.
  • Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.
  • Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth.
  • Helps protect against osteoporosis.
  • Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.
  • Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.
  • Improves digestion and bowel function.
  • Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Supports tissue healing and repair.
  • Supports and aids immune system function.
  • Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.
  • Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart disease.
  • Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease.
  • Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.
  • Functions as a protective antioxidant.
  • Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
  • Does not deplete the body's antioxidant reserves like other oils do.
  • Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.
  • Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement).
  • Reduces epileptic seizures.
  • Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.
  • Dissolves kidney stones.
  • Helps prevent liver disease.
  • Is lower in calories than all other fats.
  • Supports thyroid function.
  • Promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate.
  • Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats.
  • Helps prevent obesity and overweight problems.
  • Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin to ward of infection.
  • Reduces symptoms associated the psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
  • Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.
  • Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.
  • Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.
  • Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.
  • Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • Helps control dandruff.
  • Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.
  • Has no harmful or discomforting side effects.
  • Is completely non-toxic to humans.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Olive Oil, 26 Uses for other than cooking!!

Olive oil can be used for literally scores of things besides cooking. Here are some different ways to use olive oil that we hope you might find useful around the household and for personal care. You don't need to use premium Extra Virgin olive oil, just grab a bottle of inexpensive, domestic olive oil for around-the-house use. You can cut down on excess oil by investing in a refillable spray can, such as the Misto® olive oil sprayer.
General Household Uses
1. Easy clean up of garden tools. Spray some olive oil on your tools. There will be less dirt build up and it will rinse off much more easily. Repeat as necessary during use. Then rub a little on the tools before storage to prevent corrosion.
2. Wood furniture polish. Put about a teaspoon of oil on a soft rag and wipe. You may wish to try 2 parts olive oil and 1 part lemon juice to increase cleaning power and add a nice fresh smell and shine.
3. Fix a squeaky door. Use a little oil on a rag or cotton swab or a small squirt of oil and apply to the top and sides of a squeaky hinge to help quiet a car or home door. Wipe up excess oil with a paper towel.
4. Free a sticky zipper. Put a little oil on the teeth of a sticky zipper with a cotton swab (be careful not to get it on the fabric), then gently ease the tab down.
5. Shine stainless steel and brass. Rub metal objects with a little olive oil on a clean rag to prevent streaks, corrosion, and tarnish on stainless or brass.
6. Remove paint from skin. Rub olive oil onto messy hands, arms or faces and allow the oil to soak in for five minutes, and then rinse with soap and water.
7. Remove paint from hair. Use a cotton ball moistened with olive oil, gently rub it into your hair and work the paint free.
7. Condition leather. Rub olive oil into worn leather, such as shoes, slippers, belts or even an old baseball glove, and let set for 30 minutes, then wipe away any excess and buff to a shine.
8. Footwear conditioner and polish. Rub down your shoes or boots with just a spray of olive oil to maintain their suppleness and shine.
9. Clean greasy hands. Pour 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt or sugar into palms and massage briskly into hands and between fingers for several minutes. Rinse with soap and water.
10. Prevent wax from sticking to a candle holder. Rub a thin coat on the base of the holder before inserting a candle. Dripped wax should peel away easily.
11. Lubricate measuring cups and spoons. Rub or spray olive oil on your measuring tools for easy clean-up of sticky substances like honey, grain mustards, and sugar syrups.
General Personal Uses
12. Stop a throat tickle. Take a sip of olive oil to stop the itchy flicker that is making you cough.
13. Cure an earache. Very carefully, use a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the outside ear cavity to help with earaches and excess wax.
14. Help reduce snoring. Take a sip of olive oil before heading to bed. It might lubricate your throat muscles and stop you from snoring.
15. Shave. Olive oil can provide a safe and natural lubricant for a close shave. Rub in an extra teaspoon once finished.
17. Bathe. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to your running bath water to help moisturize and soften your skin.
18. Remove makeup. Dab a bit under your eyes, on your cheeks and forehead, then wipe with a damp cloth.
19. DIY lip balm. Mix olive oil and melted beeswax in a 1:1 ratio with an essential oil for fragrance, and help reduce dry and chapped lips.
20. Control hair frizz. Comb a bit of olive oil through dry hair to tame frizz and flyaway on humid days or in the winter.
21. Fingernails. Use a bit of olive oil to moisturize cuticles, or mix oil and water and soak your hands before a manicure.
22. Exfoliate your face and hands. Rub your skin with olive oil, and then scrub with sugar or coarse salt, and rinse.
23. Soften your skin. Rub olive oil daily on notoriously dry areas, such as your feet or elbows, especially after a shower, shaving, or waxing.
24. Cure diaper rash. Gently apply olive oil to your baby’s bottom to help with the irritation of diaper rash.
25. Release chewing gum from hair. Pour some oil on the gum and surrounding hair. Then, use your fingers to pull on the gum; you may need to rub the oil around to loosen the gum up.
Pet Use
26. Benefit your dogs and cats. Mixing a little olive oil in your pets' food will help lessen your cat's chances of producing fur balls. It will also help your dog shed less fur. Mix an eighth of a teaspoon once a week into your cat's food. For your dog, add one teaspoon of olive oil into his/her food on a weekly basis.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Ok, I have mostly used Tea Tree Oil for skin irriations and it works beautifully. After some research I am also adding Grapefruit Seed Extract to my "natural and organic" medicine chest.
1. Broad Spectrum
Grapefruit seed extracts main advantage is it's extraordinary ability to perform both (internally and externally) against a wide variety of known or unknown infections caused by viruses, bacteria, funguses and parasites.
2. Grapefruit seed extract is alkalizing.
Grapefruit seed extract helps alkalize the body. It is considered one of the most alkaline forming foods and of all fruits it is the most alkalizing. Alkalizing the body (raising pH) is one of the single most important health regeneration benefits available.
Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment within the body. It is claimed that cancer dies in a pH of 8.0. Countless other conditions are caused by an acid environment within the body. These same conditions are effectively treated by restoring the proper pH.
Grapefruit seed extracts pH is a low 2.0. Don't let this fool you as acid foods have alkaline effects on the body. The problem comes when you eat food that is acid forming such as meat, sugar and most grains. This food creates and acid environment within the body.
Most degenerative diseases are associated with your body pH. Your body pH is one of the most important aspects to consider when trying to overcome a serious illness and to maintain good health. The list of diseases caused from improper pH is a mile long. Cancer and most other diseases cannot exist in an alkaline environment. The pH of the non-deficient and healthy person is in the 7.5.
3. Beneficial Bacteria
Grapefruit seed extract stimulates the immune system. (According to Doctors and Veterinarians) grapefruit seed extract (at normal doses) is gentle yet preserves the integrity of your intestinal bacteria. Without these beneficial bacteria life could not be sustained.
4. Drug Resistant Bacteria
To date there is no evidence that any type of pathogenic microorganism has ever built up a resistance to grapefruit seed extracts active ingredient. Due to the mode of its activity it is believed that this resistance is impossible as grapefruit seed extract disrupts the organisms cytoplasmic membrane.
5. It can be taken for long periods of time without toxic side effects.
There are reports that people have taken grapefruit seed extract every day for several years (as a preventive) without side effects of any kind. However we do not recommend grapefruit seed extract for long term use!
6. GSE is hypoallergenic (non-allergenic).
Dr. Allen Sachs points out that about 3 to 5 per cent of all people are allergic to citrus fruit and could therefore also display a sensitive reaction to grapefruit seed extract. These people should start with a low dosage and perform a patch test to be sure.
7. It can be used for humans and animals including pets (fish, reptiles, birds etc).
All living creatures great and small have benefited from the use of grapefruit extract.
8. Grapefruit seed extract is a multipurpose product used for countless applications.
Pet Health - Internal and external conditions and infections, skin conditions, mange, fleas, etc.
Household Uses - Vegetable wash, counter tops, cutting boards, laundry cleaner, etc.
Travel Uses - Grapefruit extract is used against water and food borne illnesses, diarrhea, dysentery, etc.
Gardening Uses - Tool cleaner to remove fungus, mold. As a bug spray, plant spray and more!
9. Wound Healing
Grapefruit seed extract is extremely good for fast healing of scar tissue associated with many types of wounds (even big ugly scars).
10. It is Very Economical to Use!
Grapefruit seed extract is very effective at low concentrations therefore a little goes a long way as most applications only require a few drops per dose. Our 1.5 oz bottle contains 900 drops of potent Triple Strength grapefruit seed extract. Triple Strength averages around 3-5 drops per dose.
Skin fungi or bacterial diseases of the skin: Mix 30 to 50 drops of GSE liquid extract in a quart of water, and spray on the infected area at least 2 times a day.
This same dilution can be used as a general antiseptic for cages, stalls, or any other contact areas where a commercial antiseptic or disinfectant would be applied.  There is no need to rinse or try to remove any residue left by GSE.  It can also be mixed into virtually any topical preparation,
like shampoo, flea-dip, cat litter, bedding, etc.
You can make your own organic Kitchen & Bath Spray by adding one or two drops per ounce of distilled water. 
It makes a wonderful rinse for fruits and vegetables as well, or for a more thorough treatment, soak them for fifteen minutes and then rinse thoroughly under cold water.

Adding GSE to your carpet or floor cleaning machine will help to remove odors caused by bacteria left from pet, food , mold or mildew.  It is reported that ten to fifteen drops per gallon in the reservoir is effective in killing staph, strep, aspergillus, salmonella and many other pathogenic organisms that are present in some carpets.

Gargling with GSE and water will most times handle even the most resistant Strep germs.  Naturopathic doctors recommend gargling with two or three drops in five ounces of water three or four times daily, you can't do it too often.

Grapefruit seed extract can be used to clean fungus and mildew off of shower stalls, tile, swimming pools, hummingbird feeders and birdbaths. It is user-friendly, and environmentally safe.

GSE can be used in the garden to control aphids, snails, fungus, mildew, and algae.
Use it in hot-tubs or Jacuzzis (one to two ounces per hundred gallons) or less if you are also treating with ozone, to keep the water clean and disinfected.
Drinking Water can be made safe by ten drops for each gallon of clear water. Agitate or mix vigorously and let it rest for a few minutes. It may be used as a prophylactic agent for those who travel abroad.

A very small amount of Nutribiotic GSE will keep a covered bottle of clean distilled water safe for a very long time. You can add it to home- made products like medicinal or cosmetics,  to lengthen their shelf life.  
All by itself GSE is an extremely stable product and has an indefinite shelf life. 
For sore throats or tonsillitis, put 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract into
a glass of lukewarm water and gargle extensively with the solution 5-6 times a day. In addition, the extract should be used internally.  Those in my family find the small tablets very easy to swallow, even with a sore throat, but the drops can be mixed with a small amount of real fruit juice or warm tea.
As an antiseptic mouthwash:  Gargle thoroughly three times daily with 5
drops of extract in a glass of water. 

For mouth ulcers:  Rinse your mouth several times daily with 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. In addition, dab the mouth ulcer with 2 drops in a Tbs. of water using a cotton swab.
(Don't use GSE straight, it is very potent stuff!)

For cracked lips, dilute a few drops of GSE with a Tbs. of light olive oil and apply several times a day.

For cold sores, apply a mixture of several drops of GSE with one tablespoon of light olive oil 2-3 times daily to the affected spots using a swab. Let the preparation remain on the sore overnight. Use again as soon as possible if there are any signs of the blisters forming again.

For sinus problems, either purchase the Nutribiotic nasal spray, or do
a nasal rinse several times a day. In addition, the extract should be used internally (as in, a few drops taken in water 1-3 times a day).  To do a nasal rinse: put about 3 drops of GSE in an egg-cup of lukewarm water and mix well. Using a pipette, drip a few drops of the mixture into both nostrils while leaning your head back for a minute or two. Move your head from side to side and back and forth, sniff in several times and then gently blow your nose. (Always use in a diluted form,  NEVER drip undiluted extract into the nose!!!)
For internal use, the rule of thumb for gastrointestinal disorders, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral, is to use one drop of liquid concentrate per 10 pounds of body weight.  We have found it very helpful for bronchitis and sinus infections in our family.

Some other things that are benefited by the use of GSE are: bad breath, toothaches, gingivitis, runny nose, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis, earaches, acne, shaving, head lice, rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, shingles, eczema, insect bites and stings, warts, athlete's foot, corns, blisters, vaginitis, yeast infections, colds, gastrointestinal infections, candida albicans, parasitic diseases, and allergies.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grapefruit Seed Extract - An Important Addition to Your Medicine Cabinet

Skin fungi or bacterial diseases of the skin: Mix 30 to 50 drops of GSE liquid extract in a quart of water, and spray on the infected area at least 2 times a day.
This same dilution can be used as a general antiseptic for cages, stalls, or any other contact areas where a commercial antiseptic or disinfectant would be applied.  There is no need to rinse or try to remove any residue left by GSE.  It can also be mixed into virtually any topical preparation,
like shampoo, flea-dip, cat litter, bedding, etc.
You can make your own organic Kitchen & Bath Spray by adding one or two drops per ounce of distilled water.
It makes a wonderful rinse for fruits and vegetables as well, or for a more thorough treatment, soak them for fifteen minutes and then rinse thoroughly under cold water.
 Adding GSE to your carpet or floor cleaning machine will help to remove odors caused by bacteria left from pet, food , mold or mildew.  It is reported that ten to fifteen drops per gallon in the reservoir is effective in killing staph, strep, aspergillus, salmonella and many other pathogenic organisms that are present in some carpets.
Gargling with GSE and water will most times handle even the most resistant Strep germs.  Naturopathic doctors recommend gargling with two or three drops in five ounces of water three or four times daily, you can't do it too often.
Grapefruit seed extract can be used to clean fungus and mildew off of shower stalls, tile, swimming pools, hummingbird feeders and birdbaths. It is user-friendly, and environmentally safe.
 GSE can be used in the garden to control aphids, snails, fungus, mildew, and algae.
Use it in hot-tubs or Jacuzzis (one to two ounces per hundred gallons) or less if you are also treating with ozone, to keep the water clean and disinfected.
Drinking Water can be made safe by ten drops for each gallon of clear water. Agitate or mix vigorously and let it rest for a few minutes. It may be used as a prophylactic agent for those who travel abroad.
 A very small amount of Nutribiotic GSE will keep a covered bottle of clean distilled water safe for a very long time. You can add it to home- made products like medicinal or cosmetics,  to lengthen their shelf life. 
All by itself GSE is an extremely stable product and has an indefinite shelf life.
For sore throats or tonsillitis, put 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract into
a glass of lukewarm water and gargle extensively with the solution 5-6 times a day. In addition, the extract should be used internally.  Those in my family find the small tablets very easy to swallow, even with a sore throat, but the drops can be mixed with a small amount of real fruit juice or warm tea.
As an antiseptic mouthwash:  Gargle thoroughly three times daily with 5
drops of extract in a glass of water.
For mouth ulcers:  Rinse your mouth several times daily with 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. In addition, dab the mouth ulcer with 2 drops in a Tbs. of water using a cotton swab.
(Don't use GSE straight, it is very potent stuff!)

For cracked lips, dilute a few drops of GSE with a Tbs. of light olive oil and apply several times a day.

For cold sores, apply a mixture of several drops of GSE with one tablespoon of light olive oil 2-3 times daily to the affected spots using a swab. Let the preparation remain on the sore overnight. Use again as soon as possible if there are any signs of the blisters forming again.

For sinus problems, either purchase the Nutribiotic nasal spray, or do
a nasal rinse several times a day. In addition, the extract should be used internally (as in, a few drops taken in water 1-3 times a day).  To do a nasal rinse: put about 3 drops of GSE in an egg-cup of lukewarm water and mix well. Using a pipette, drip a few drops of the mixture into both nostrils while leaning your head back for a minute or two. Move your head from side to side and back and forth, sniff in several times and then gently blow your nose. (Always use in a diluted form,  NEVER drip undiluted extract into the nose!!!)

For internal use, the rule of thumb for gastrointestinal disorders, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral, is to use one drop of liquid concentrate per 10 pounds of body weight.  We have found it very helpful for bronchitis and sinus infections in our family.

Some other things that are benefited by the use of GSE are: bad breath, toothaches, gingivitis, runny nose, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis, earaches, acne, shaving, head lice, rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, shingles, eczema, insect bites and stings, warts, athlete's foot, corns, blisters, vaginitis, yeast infections, colds, gastrointestinal infections, candida albicans, parasitic diseases, and allergies.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

25 Household Uses For Borax - FROM DIY Life

Sometimes referred to as "the miracle mineral," this time-honored household ingredient is the natural solution for just about everything under your roof, from cleaning to insect control.

Borax, also known as sodium borate, is an a naturally occurring substance and an eco-friendly solution for many things around the house. Most commonly used as a cleaning agent, the uses extend far beyond that.

I'm excited to share all the ways you can use this natural element to your greatest advantage. Here are 25 to get you started. Let us know about your own special uses and we'll keep updating the list.

(Safety Warning: Just because borax is natural, that doesn't mean it's harmless. You should always use gloves when handling it and keep it out of reach of children and pets. While safe in the diluted solutions, borax could be very harmful to children and pets if ingested.)


1. Keep roaches, waterbugs, and ants away by sprinkling a combination of equal parts all-natural borax and sugar.

2. Keep the mice out by sprinkling borax on the floor along the wall.

3. Get rid of bed bugs by sprinkling borax on your mattress. Let it sit and vacuum it up.

4. Kill fleas by sprinkling borax on your carpet. Leave it for an hour and vacuum it up thoroughly.


5. Scrub dirty pots and pans
with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of borax and warm water. Because borax is non-abrasive, it will work on the grime without damaging the surface material.

6. Remove a stubborn stain by mixing 1 cup of borax with 2 cups of warm water and apply the paste directly to the stain. Let it sit, then launder as usual. Remove carpet stains by dampening the stain thoroughly and rubbing some borax on it. Vacuum it then finish it off with a vinegar and water solution. Let it dry and repeat if necessary. Use this same method on soiled mattresses. It will get rid of both the odor and stain.

7. Remove rust by mixing the above solution with a tablespoon of lemon juice.

8. Make an all-purpose cleaner by mixing 2 tablespoons borax and 2 cups hot water in a spray bottle.

9. Removes oxidation from metals with borax. The ingredient is also used as a flux in welding.

10. Make your own floor and wall cleaner by mixing 1/3 cup borax, 1 tablespoons ammonia and 1 teaspoon dish detergent into 1 gallon of water.

laundry, boraxLou Cypher, Corbis
11. As a laundry detergent, add one cup of borax to each load and significantly boost your cleaning power.

12. Remove stains from stainless steel or porcelain sinks with this recipe: Make a paste with 1 cup borax and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Using a sponge or cloth, rub the stain with the paste. Rinse with warm water.

13. Clean your toilet with this solution: Dissolve 1/2 cup of borax with 1 gallon of water. Scrub the toilet with a strong brush, let it sit and flush to rinse. This non-abrasive cleaner can also be used in the bathtub or on counters.

14. Clean outdoor furniture by washing it with this mildew zapping solution: In a spray bottle, mix 1 teaspoon dish detergent, 1 teaspoon borax and 1 quart warm water.

15. Make your own dishwasher detergent by mixing 1tablespoons borax and 1tablespoons baking soda.


16. Minimize odor in your cat's litter box by mixing a few tablespoons of borax in with the litter.

17. Clean your garbage disposal by putting 3 tablespoons of borax down the drain. Let it sit for an hour and flush it with warm water. This will sanitize it, taking care of any smelly bacteria.

18. Remove mildew and mustiness from linens by soak them in 2 cups of borax mixed with 2 quarts of water. Let the linens sit for a few hours, then rinse them clean.

19. Unclog drains
with 1/2 cup of borax followed by 2 cups of boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then run your water for a few minutes to flush it out.

20. Remove urine odor from a mattress.
Wet the mattress rub in borax with a damp cloth. Let dry, then vacuum up the remaining residue.

21. Deodorize and clean your fridge by washing it with a borax and water solution.

22. Deodorize your garbage pail by filling it with borax and water. Let it soak then rinse it out. Sprinkle some borax in the bottom once it's clean. This will keep the bugs away and absorb any odor causing moisture.


23. Kill weeds
by sprinkling borax where you've seen weeds previously appear. This is useful for weeds that surface in concrete cracks and on walkways, but shouldn't be used in the garden because it will also kill your plants. Sprinkle some borax around the perimeter of the house too and you'll be free from ants and other intruding insects.

24. Soften your water when doing laundry by adding borax to the load.

25. Bring life back to your worn china by soaking it in a sink full of warm water and a 1/2 cup of borax. Rinse well and wash a second time as usual.

Along with these 25 household solutions, borax is used commercially as an ingredient in enamel glaze, adhesives, ink for indelible pens and is more recently being used in place of Mercury for extracting gold in smaller scale mining operations. In some countries, borax is used as a food additive, but is not approved for use as such in the United States.